Address: ul. Mickiewicza 6
28-100 Busko-Zdrój
Telephone: (41) 378 79 21
E-mail address: sekretariat@zsp1busko.pl
Information about school
School history
In 1937, political organisations and local authorities of Busko-Zdrój agreed to found the House of Shooter. It was the seat of the Shooter Association and other institutions. The building was raised at the main street of the town- 3-rd May Avenue (presently Mickiewicz Avenue). It was placed near Tadeusz Kościuszko hillock. Building works began in 1938. A stony eagle was placed above the main entrance, which was later covered in bricks when the Germans trespassed. During German occupation the building was completed and renamed as Deutsches Haus. Inside, there were stores, a restaurant and flats of German families.
After the liberation of Poland, the building was renamed again as the Culture House. It became the seat of the Guild of Various Crafts, the Management of Polish Youth, the local library and the Board of Trade Unions. Until 1949, the building was used by Grammar School and Pedagogical School. The first principal was Henryk Gruziński.
In the early 1960's, there was a need to set up a vocational school in Busko. It was founded as a branch of Basic Vocational School in Pińczów. The school did not have its own building. In 1964, the branch became independent as a Basic Vocational School in Busko-Zdrój. The new principal was nominated Zbigniew Modrzewski.
In December 1965, High School of Economics was opened. In 1967, College for teachers was transferred into a new building at 23 Mickiewicza street, while Economic school was opened in the building at 6 Mickiewicza street. In 1968, 4-year school for working people was opened. From the headmaster's initiative, until September 1970, the hall and stairs were renovated. There were 9 classrooms in those days. The headmaster was Boguslaw Kopeć.
In 14. 04. 1973, school received the name of Mikołaj Kopernik, the picture of him was also presented on school's walls. Another important event was revealing of a white eagle (Polish symbol), which was bricked up by German people. Thanks to Bogusław Kopeć, it was exposed in 1982 in a classroom, and later, on 70th Independence Day - outside the building.
Bogusław Kopeć was a headmaster until 1. 09. 1990. Then, Jan Kozłowski took over. Since 1. 09. 2003, Andrzej Bilewski has been the school headmaster.
In 1. 01. 2003, schools' name was changed into Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych nr 1. There are the following types of schools: 4-year Technical High School, 3-year Comprehensive School and 3-year Vocational School.
Nicolaus Copernicus (February 19, 1473 - May 24, 1543) was the first European astronomer to formulate a scientifically based heliocentric cosmology, and displaced the Earth from its center. His epochal book, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres), is often regarded as the starting point of modern astronomy, as well as a defining epiphany in the history of science.
Although Greek, Indian, and Muslim savants, centuries before Copernicus, had published heliocentric hypotheses, Copernicus's publication of a scientific theory of heliocentrism, demonstrating that the Sun is at the center of what is now called the solar system, was a landmark in the history of modern science.
Among the great polymaths of the Scientific Revolution and the Renaissance, Copernicus was a mathematician, astronomer, jurist, physician, classical scholar, Catholic cleric, governor, administrator, military leader, diplomat and economist. Amid his extensive responsibilities, astronomy figured as little more than an avocation-yet it was in that field that he made his mark upon the world.
Nicolaus Copernicus was born in 1473 in the city of Toruń (Thorn) in the Royal Prussia region of the Kingdom of Poland.[1] He was educated at Kraków, Bologna, Padua and Ferrara, and spent most of his working life within the prince-bishopric of Warmia (Ermeland), in the town of Frombork (Frauenburg), where he died in 1543.
Nicolaus Copernicus' father - a wealthy businessman, copper trader, and respected citizen of Toruń - died when Nicolaus was ten years old. Little is known of Nicolaus' mother, Barbara Watzenrode, except that she was born into a rich merchant family and appears to have predeceased her husband. After the elder Copernicus' death, Nicolaus' maternal uncle, Lucas Watzenrode, a church canon and later Prince-Bishop governor of the Archbishopric of Warmia, reared Nicolaus and his three siblings. The uncle's position facilitated Nicolaus' pursuit of a career within the church, enabling him to devote much time to his astronomy studies.
In 1491, Copernicus enrolled at the Kraków Academy (now Jagiellonian University), where he probably first encountered astronomy with Professor Albert Brudzewski. Astronomy soon fascinated him, and he began collecting a large library on the subject. Copernicus' library would later be carried off as war booty by the Swedes during "the Deluge" and is now at the Uppsala University Library. After four years in Kraków, followed by a brief stay back home in Toruń, Copernicus went to study law and medicine at the universities of Bologna and Padua. Copernicus' uncle financed his education and hoped that Copernicus too would become a bishop. Copernicus, however, while studying canon and civil law at Bologna, met the famous astronomer, Domenico Maria Novara da Ferrara. Copernicus attended Novara's lectures and became his disciple and assistant.
Early traces of a heliocentric model are found in several anonymous Vedic Sanskrit texts composed in ancient India before the 7th century BCE. Additionally, the Indian astronomer and mathematician Aryabhata anticipated elements of Copernicus' work by over a thousand years. Aristarchus of Samos in the 3rd century BCE elaborated some theories of Heraclides Ponticus (the daily rotation of the Earth on its axis, the revolution of Venus and Mercury around the Sun) to propose what was the first scientific model of a heliocentric solar system: the Earth and all other planets revolving around the Sun, the Earth rotating around its axis daily, the Moon in turn revolving around the Earth once a month. His heliocentric work has not survived, so we can only speculate about what led him to his conclusions. It is notable that, according to Plutarch, a contemporary of Aristarchus accused him of impiety for "putting the Earth in motion."
Copernicus cited Aristarchus and Philolaus in a surviving early manuscript of his book, stating: "Philolaus believed in the mobility of the earth, and some even say that Aristarchus of Samos was of that opinion." For reasons unknown (possibly from reluctance to quote pre-Christian sources), he did not include this passage in the published book. It has been argued that in developing the mathematics of heliocentrism Copernicus drew on not just the Greek, but also the work of Muslim astronomers, especially the works of Nasir al-Din Tusi (Tusi-couple), Mo'ayyeduddin Urdi (Urdi lemma) and Ibn al-Shatir. Copernicus also discussed the theories of Ibn Battuta and Averroes in his major work. Copernicus Copernicus's major theory was published in the book, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres) during the year of his death, 1543, though he had arrived at his theory several decades earlier.
In his Commentariolus Copernicus had summarized his system with the following list of seven assumptions:
- 1. There is no one center of all the celestial circles or spheres.
2. The center of the earth is not the center of the universe, but only of gravity and of the lunar sphere.
3. All the spheres revolve about the sun as their mid-point, and therefore the sun is the center of the universe.
4. The ratio of the earth's distance from the sun to the height of the firmament is so much smaller than the ratio of the earth's radius to its distance from the sun that the distance from the earth to the sun is imperceptible in comparison with the height of the firmament.
5. Whatever motion appears in the firmament arises not from any motion of the firmament, but from the earth's motion. The earth together with its circumjacent elements performs a complete rotation on its fixed poles in a daily motion, while the firmament and highest heaven abide unchanged.
6. What appears to us as motions of the sun arises not from its motion but from the motion of the earth and our sphere, with which we revolve about the sun like any other planet. The earth has, then, more than one motion.
7. The apparent retrograde and direct motion of the planets arises not from their motion but from the earth's. The motion of the earth alone, therefore, suffices to explain so many apparent inequalities in the heavens.
The De Revolutionibus itself was divided into six books:
1.General vision of the heliocentric theory, and a summarized exposition of his idea of the World
2.Mainly theoretical, presents the principles of spherical astronomy and a list of stars (as a basis for the arguments developed in the subsequent books)
3. Mainly dedicated to the apparent motions of the Sun and to related phenomena
4. Description of the Moon and its orbital motions
5. Concrete exposition of the new system
6. Concrete exposition of the new system (continued)
Copernicus' theory is of extraordinary importance in the history of human knowledge. Many authors suggest that few other persons have exerted a comparable influence on human culture in general and on science in particular. There are parallels with the life of Charles Darwin, in that both men produced a short early description of their theories, but held back on a definitive publication until late in life, against a backdrop of controversy, particularly with regard to religion.
Many meanings have been ascribed to Copernicus' theory, apart from its strictly scientific import. His work affected religion as well as science, religious belief as well as freedom of scientific inquiry. Copernicus' rank as a scientist is often compared with that of Galileo. The Copernican theory challenged Aristotle's and Ptolemy's commonly accepted geocentric model of the universe endorsed by the Church. Copernicanism also opened the way to immanence, the view that a divine force, or divine being, pervades all that exists - a view that has since been developed further in modern philosophy. Immanentism also leads to subjectivism: to the theory that it is perception that creates reality, that there is no underlying reality that exists independent of perception. Thus some argue that Copernicanism demolished the foundations of medieval science and metaphysics. A corollary of Copernicanism is that scientific law need not be congruent with appearance. This contrasts with Aristotle's system, which placed much more importance on the derivation of knowledge through the senses. Copernicus' concept marked a scientific revolution. The publication of his De revolutionibus orbium coelestium is often taken to mark the beginning of the Scientific Revolution, together with the publication of Andreas Vesalius' De Humani Corporis Fabrica.
The library is on the ground floor of the school building. The total area of the library is 40 square metres. The library consists of two parts : the reading room for 12 people and the lending library. Both parts have been totally renovated in the recent years.
There are two librarians working at school library: Barbara Pobiega (on the right) and Halina Szczepanik- Woźniak (on the left).
The opening hours of the library
From Monday to Thursday 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
The library rules
- 1. All students and school employees are allowed to borrow books from the library.
2. There are no fees for using the library materials.
3. Every person is obliged to care about borrowed books and materials.
4. The library user is allowed to borrow books only in his/her own name.
5. Handing over the borrowed books to other students is forbidden.
6. At one time, it is allowed to borrow 3 books for 2 weeks.
7. There is a possibility of prolonging the time of 2 weeks providing there is no demand for the book.
8. Before borrowing the book, it is advised to look through the book and report all the potential damages.
9. The library user is responsible for the borrowed materials and is obliged to purchase the damaged or lost books.
10. Before the end of the school year, all library users are obliged to return the borrowed materials and books.
The pedagogical activity of the library - the reader's and media classes
- trips to other libraries in the town
- reading competitions and other library events ( Valentine's reading competition, poetic mornings)
- taking part in national actions promoting reading
- celebrating the International Day of School Libraries
The library as a Multimedia Information Centre
Since 2003, there have been five computer workstations with the Internet access. The centre is available to all students.
- The computer software and hardware:
- Windows XP Operation System
- Microsoft Office 2003 (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access)
- CD/DVD burner + Nero
- The great multimedia world's atlas
- Encyclopedia and PWN dictionaries
- School statute and other school documents
The Multimedia Information Centre is available at the opening hours of the library.
The rules of the Centre
The students are allowed to print the materials.
Before starting work in the Centre, students must sign up in the library notebook (date, surname, name, class and the computer number).
The time of work - 1 hour, more if there are no other students waiting for the computer.
The computer workstation can be booked in advance.
Installing own programmes, removing the ones on the hard discs of the computers, plugging and unplugging the machines, using the devices (the printers, copy machine, scanner, CD recorder etc.) without the permission of the teacher.
Our students have many options to get involved with student clubs and organizations in every discipline. A great way to enrich their education and professional development, the following clubs and organizations offer students more than just classroom learning. School clubs and student organizations offer students an opportunity to learn and expand their knowledge base and to develop the leadership skills and skills for working within a group.
Multimedia Club Meg@Bajt
- it was formed because of students' interests. Every meeting has a theme. This year's themes included : installing RAM Memory, hardware inside computers, Mac vs PC, Hard Disk Drives, Microsoft Software, cellphone features. Other areas of interest include web designing, new computer-based products, and games and graphics. The Computer Club meets on scheduled days in Room 14. Meetings are always open for first-time students.
Culinary Arts Club
- the objectives are to provide students with interactive examples of kitchen safety, kitchen etiquette, recipe preparation and food presentation techniques. In addition, students will be guided through the process of preparing actual meals for school-related gatherings. The Culinary Club is an extracurricular group where students can learn to create culinary dishes, learn the basics of cooking in the kitchen, and extend their culinary interests into the real world with visits to local restaurants or culinary attractions as well as opportunities to practice their culinary skills at school events.
German Club
- The purpose of this club is to promote interest in German. Members plan activities which show appreciation towards the culture and the language.
School Club "Polish Red Cross"
- it holds several fund raising events throughout the year. Polish Red Cross Club gains money for honorable aims. It promotes healthy style of life, an idea of honorary blood donation. It provides financial and social help for sick and poor children.
Student Cabaret
- is an organization composed of students interested in the art of theatre. Participation in the club is open to any student at our school. The Art club participates in various art contests throughout the year.
Drama club
- all students are welcome to join Drama club.Students will have the chance to participate in many different activities.
Maths Club
- it is addressed to students taking the high schools finals "matura". The club meets once a week
English Club "Chat Corner"
- an English Club is a place for language learners to use English in a casual setting. In the English Club, you get a chance to practise many different skills in the setting that is more like real life. Though your English teacher understands your English, your English Club friends will require you to speak more clearly and listen more carefully. It's open to every student who wants to make his/her English better and better. The meetings are arranged twice a week after lessons. A wide variety of activiteis is applied during classes which makes them appealing and amusing.
History Club
- it is an organization that was created to encourage reading, discussion, writing, and enjoyment of history among secondary students, sharing ideas and experiences which promote an interest in history, both foreign and domestic, ancient and modern. It is an association in which history loving students gather together to discuss past or present events, but this is not what we are all about. Since the start of the school year in September 2007 members have been planning many different projects and events.
Biology Club
- Biology Club's purpose is to promote interest in all aspects of biological science; to provide social and educational activities for all members. If you enjoy learning about all aspects of the natural environment or feel you already have a strong knowledge base then consider joining the biology club. Topics include identification of animals and plants, aquatic ecology, forestry, soil science, environmental concepts / processes, and wildlife management.
Finance club
- is an organization that provides members interested in finance or finance-related careers the resources, tools, and guidance needed to successfully reach their professional goals.
Science Club
- This club invites all students to enjoy science and the natural world. The club stimulates students' interest in science, helps all members to increase their skills in science, and promotes the objectives of the science department.
European School Club
Russian Club
Scouting Association
Literary Club
Entrepreneur Club
Poetry Club
Business Club
Association of Children's Friends
Library Guild
Geography Club
Accounting Club
Technical Student association
Volleyball Section (girls)
Volleyball Section (boys)
Basketball Section (girls)
Basketball Section (boys)
Football Section (boys)
School library
Mikołaj Kopernik